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Keypad, Zone Control with Exit Time Delay only

Keypad, Zone Control with Exit Time Delay on Two-Gang Plate

Product ID: A-1808D
Product SKU: A-1808D
Online Price: $272.00/each $320.00

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Door Security Zone Control Keypad with Arm and Disarm Capability

The 1808D Zone Control Keypad from Cornell Communications features a red, green and amber light notification system, so there is never confusion over the door’s arming status. A 1 to 6 digit code is the only requirement to engage an exit time delay. Programming is accomplished at the zone control keypad itself and power failure will not erase any programmed data. This double gang, stainless steel zone control unit fits in a standard double-wide electrical box.

Integrating with current mobile technology, our nurse call solutions are flexible enough to fit your healthcare facility’s needs. Whether you want to expand your existing nurse call system or are looking to replace it completely, Cornell Communications has the nurse call system to meet your facility's requirements.

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  Part A-1806D


Red LED -system armed; Green LED - system unarmed; Yellow LED - exit delay mode. Two gang satin stainless steel plate. Fits standard 2-gang electrical box.

Cornell offers remote zone keypad stations that allow users access code entry to restricted areas. These multi-function access keypads can be set to exit delay with a 1 to 6-digital access code. This keypad protects your healthcare facility, school, business, and beyond with a 48 hour power loss code retention protocol.


Exit Delay. Enter the 1 to 6-digit access code. The yellow LED will flash 3 times. Press the * key to disarm the zone, the # key to arm the zone, or the 0 key to initiate time delay. 


Surface, Flush, or Desktop


The contractor shall furnish and install a CORNELL remote zone keypad. The faceplate shall be a standard two-gang stainless steel plate. The keypad shall be micro-controller based. The micro-controller shall have built-in watchdog timer. LED indicators (red, green, yellow) shall be utilized for long life; incandescent lamps are not acceptable. Unit shall be user programmable entirely from the keypad. Unit shall be operated on 12 VCD. Power consumption shall be less than 20mA.

Technical Info:

  • Remote zone keypad power requirements: 12VDC
  • Keypad operating environment: 50-120 degrees Fahrenheit, non-condensing
  • Keypad mounting surface: Flush or Desktop
  • Wiring: #22 AWG minimum
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