Nurse Call Systems for Assisted Living
Cornell Nurse Call systems promote resident safety and comfortability while improving staff response times. By providing necessary information to assisted living staff, Cornell nurse call systems will effectively improve resident safety and quality of care. Our mobile and wireless systems integrate with iOS and pocket pager devices for seamless staff response, while the pendant allows residents more freedom and versatility on your facility.
Whether you’re interested in our mobile nurse call system, pager-interface nurse call system, or visual nurse call system, Cornell can spec out your needs and exceed them with quality communication. Our nurse call systems additionally can provide life-saving resident monitoring in bathrooms, exam rooms, emergency rooms, and operating rooms.

InformTM I A Mobile Call System
- Easy-to-use Mobile Interface
- Eliminate Alarm Disruptions
- Improve Staff Response Time
- Real-time Data Tracking

IndePendant Wireless Call System
- Easy-to-use Pager Interface
- Eliminate Alarm Disruptions
- Improve Staff Response Time
- Real-time Data Tracking

Visual Nurse Call System
- Wired Emergency Call Response
- Connects with Future-proof Tech
- Custom System Sizing