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Duty Station With On-Off Tone Switch

Duty Station With On-Off Tone Switch

Product ID: D-111
Product SKU: D-111
Online Price: $165.75/each $195.00

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Duty Station With On-Off Tone Switch

This nurse call system alerts nurse stations to a normal call with a steady lit green LED indicator and a slow intermittent tone.  Emergency calls are alerted with a flashing red LED indicator and a rapid tone.  The tone on-off switch on this duty station allows staff to silence the audible alert, creating a silent emergency alert system for your facility. The D-111 nurse call system is ideal for nursing homes and other health care facilities.

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The Cornell D-111 Duty Station includes on/off tone switch that can be passed, green LED to indicate normal call, and red LED to indicate emergency call.


The D-111 Duty Station has a tone on-off switch that is provided to silence the audible alert by staff. Normal calls are indicated with a steady green LED and slow intermittent tone. Emergency calls are indicated with flashing red LED and rapid tone. 


The satin finish stainless steel faceplate with silk-screened designation may be flush mounted on a standard outlet box with single-gang plaster ring, or surface mounted on a Wiremold 4748 or equivalent. Field wiring terminations are with screw clamps, maximum 16 gauge. 

Engineering Specifications:

The contractor shall furnish and install Cornell Duty Stations as indicated in the plans. Flashing red LED and rapid intermittent tone shall indicate an emergency call; steady green LED and slow tone shall indicate a normal call. Incandescent lamps are not acceptable. The station shall fit on a standard single-gang plaster ring or Wiremold 5748 surface box or equivalent, with a minimum depth of 1 3/4" required. Terminations for field wiring shall be with screw clamps.

Technical Information:

  • Power Requirements: 24 VDC
  • Operating Environment: 50-120F Indoor Non-condensing
  • Physical Faceplate Dimensions: 4 1/2"H x 2 3/4"W (Standard 1 Gang)
  • Mounting: Single-gang back box with 1 3/4" minimum depth
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